Running Digital Experiments

MACS 30000: Perspectives on Computational Analysis
University of Chicago

Assignment 1: Any questions?

Discussion: Bail et al. 2018 - political polarization on social media

  1. Summarize the research design.
  • What is the RQ
  • What is the treatment? How do the authors operationalize and randomize the treatment?
  • What is the outcome? How do the authors measure the outcome?
  • What are the findings?

  1. Where does this experiment fall on the continuum of lab/field?
  2. What are the strengths and limitations of the choice to design the experiment in this way?
  3. Do the authors identify causal mechanisms in this study?

  1. Is the experimental method particularly suited for the research subject and question? Or is it not?
  2. What is its relative strength/weakness in comparison with an obversatinal design?
  • How would you study the same problem using an obserational design?

Salganik et al. 2006 - Inequality and Unpredictability in an Artificial Cultural Market.

  • What is the RQ
  • What is the treatment? How do the authors operationalize and randomize the treatment?
  • What is the outcome? How do the authors measure the outcome?
  • What are the findings?
  • Where does this experiment fall on the continuum of lab/field?

van de Rijt et al. 2014: Success-breeds-success experiments

  • What is the RQ
  • What is the treatment? How do the authors operationalize and randomize the treatment?
  • What is the outcome? How do the authors measure the outcome?
  • What are the findings?
  • Where does this experiment fall on the continuum of lab/field?


  • Compare and contrast Salganik et al (2006) and van de Rijt et al (2014)
  • What are the relative strengths/weaknesses of the lab design vs. field design in terms of
    • statistical validity
    • construct validity
    • internal validity
    • external validity

Discussion Groups

0 Daniela / Tian / Max
1 Pritam / Tianle / Yue
2 Emma / Anny / Zhuojun
3 Jiazheng / Cosmo / Yuhan
4 Andy / Abbey / Ertong
5 Huanrui / Kuang / Kexin
6 Lorena / Agnes / Thomas